
​East Fork:

A Journal of the Arts​​

Solicited Inquiry

                       Inspired by Yusef Komunyakaa’s “Nude Interrogation”

How did you handle this week? Christa moves her eyes from one self-help poster to the next,
degrees and positive quotes fill the white walls. The oval coffee table supports a tissue box and
two mugs. A desk is positioned in the corner covered in files, family photos, appointment books
of every tear-splattered session. How many times did you cry, panic, scratch, or pick this week?
She inhales the lavender incense, her eyes adjusting to the warm lit room. The candle’s wicks
flicker in her eyes. She looks out the tiny window as people with well-adjusted lives pass, she’d
give anything to try on one of their outlooks. How did your journal prompts come along? Did
you learn anything new about yourself? The candle melts into a liquid of hot wax. “Okay.” “A
lot.” “Alright.” “Yes.” Too many emotions to sift. Hello? She looks to the outside with envy,

holding back her own liquid of hot wax.

​Jasmine Warner

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