East Fork:
A Journal of the Arts
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Heather Phillips is currently pursing her bachelor's degree in English at UC. She is the 2019 2nd prize literature essay contest winner for her essay "A Journey for Survival: Leslie Marmon Silko and the Acculturation of the Pueblo People" and the 2020 recipient of the Amrit R. Chatterjee Memorial Writing Award for her essay "Thirsty for Love: Mary Oliver and Grieving." When not writing academically, Heather fancies herself a fiction writer and (of course) hopes to one day both complete and publish a novel.
Sophie Moore is a freshman at UC Clermont as an English Literature major. She's still undecided as to what she wants to do with her major, but is leaning towards becoming an English teacher for foreign students. Her passions are writing, movies, and learning different languages and cultures; she's currently learning Spanish, Korean, and American Sign Language! Sophie has been working on a novel since she was 16 and hopes to one day finally finish and publish it.
Quinton Callahan is a sophomore at UC Clermont studying English Literature, hoping to go into publications once he has graduated with his bachelor’s degree. Quinton has a very strong passion for reading and takes joy in finding and purchasing new books. Since taking a poetry class at UC Clermont, he also hopes to one day publish a book of his poetry. His biggest dream and the one that he has had since High school is to open a home for abandoned and homeless youth.
Asia Smith is a freshman at UC Clermont pursuing her dream as an English Major. She had always been very interested in writing short stories and poetry, she hopes to soon have a book full of her writings published, after getting her bachelors Asia wants to go to medical school to be a pediatric nurse and help children in need. She has four little brothers and they are her world, so that is what pushes her to be the very best she can so that her brothers will have someone to look up to.
Katelyn Moore has lived in Cincinnati her whole life. She is currently an English major and loves writing as an outlet. In her free time you can find her with her dog, her girlfriend and a book.
Angelica Neal is an Ohio native who has learned to appreciate the art of poetry, writing, and singing. All of which have provided an escape from reality for her. She is the mother of one child that is also keen on art and all that falls under that umbrella. Angelica’s daughter is the light in all her darkness and the reason she continues writing. Angelica wants her daughter and everyone else to know that there are so many methods to express oneself. She has discovered that art is one very remarkable avenue of many that one may find useful to one day implement in their journey to self-actualization. Currently, art is the primary method used in her journey to self-actualization. Angelica recognizes how therapeutic, empowering, and beautiful it is to view others’ art with an empathetic mind and heart and hopes others’ will find the beauty in such as well.
Ethan Evans is a third year student studying English Literature at the University of Cincinnati. He writes primarily short stories and fictional works, along with free form poetry (sometimes including illustrations to supplement the latter.) He enjoys historical fiction and humor. His stories often include elements of humor, along with mystic realism and often go to places much darker than you would expect to begin with. Ethan aspires to one day become a novelist, and college professor.
Madeline Breeding is a sophomore at the University of Cincinnati. She is studying medical laboratory science and plan to go into immunology and hopefully, cancer research. She was diagnosed with a rare type of lymphoma at 20 years old, which lead her straight to her purpose and is where she found her love for life. She discovered her talent for poetry fairly recently, finding that her purpose for life is well expressed through her poetry. She understands that her poems are not written in typical stanza form, but she believes there is always room for new, innovative ideas, especially when it comes to writing
Mary Hochadel is in the Creative Writing program at Warren County Community College in Warren County, New Jersey. She was co-editor in chief of the college literary magazine, Ars Poetica, for 2019, and will reprise this role for the 2020 edition.
Shawnee Kuper
Kirsten Malsam a third-year student at the University of Cincinnati majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders with the goal of becoming a pediatric Speech Language Pathologist. I am also getting a certificate for pre-art therapy and hope to use art in a beneficial way when working with kids. Outside of school I love to run, read, and create. My favorite media to work with is ink but I also enjoy exploring mixed media. Both of my pieces are done in ink and reflect on how one's inner thoughts and feelings change the way they view the world even if these feelings are not accurate or do not represent truth.
Multimedia Creator
Evan Stroup (Stroupystroup) has been producing since he was in sixth grade and his love for music continues to grow as the years go by. When he first started producing, he only created Dubstep and House, until he was inspired by Deadmau5's album While 1<2 and his show Mau5trap Presents. With these, he learnt about the world of Experimental Electronic Music, also known as IDM (Intelligent Dance Music) and Braindance. He then found his way into, what he calls, a “1960s Psychedelic music rabbit hole,” establishing his own style of music while opening himself up to various other genres in the process.
Creative Non-Fiction Author
High School Writing Contest Winners
Ben Freudenberg is 17 year old with a dark past but hopeful future, expressing himself through Judas in his short story, "MONSTRO." In the Bible, Judas is the great betrayer, the bringer of death; he kisses Jesus on the cheek as a death sentence. In Ben's story, Judas feels his own death sentence and craves a kiss. He craves his family, the universe, and the warmth of another. Writing him was a mode of catharsis for Ben, and he hopes reading his journey will be one for others as well. By writing Judas, Ben hopes to grant insight into the way living, dying, and surviving feels like. Ben invites you to "step into Judas's mind, step into mine, step into Monstro's mouth. Take the plunge. Come back alive."
Patrick Duong is a Junior at Milford High School. He has competed in writing contests since 7th grade in Power of the Pen, but this is his first time having the opportunity to write a story this long. He highly enjoys reading stories that break the norms of a normal plot, which is what he hoped to achieve with his story "The White Snake and Cane."
Originally from a small town in northern Pakistan,Maria Faisal moved to Connecticut with her family at the age of two. Relocating every two or three years, her family eventually settled in Kentucky, where her writing began to blossom into a hobby and dream. Now, she hopes to be an OB/GYN and published author in the future. Her piece, "Of Jasmine and Rose," is an autobiographical look into the struggles of Maria accepting her Pakistani heritage in the United States. Despite being inexperienced, she is both passionate and hopeful about writing, having won a small number of awards (such as a National Gold Medal last year for the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards).
Lauren Hentz—Honorable Mention
Lauren Hentz is a junior at Loveland High School. Instead of letting herself have free time, she fills it with important things like marching band, being captain of the quidditch club, and appointing herself as the resident fossils expert for Science Olympiad. Her current project is turning a suspense story she wrote into a short film.
Literary Essay Competition Winners
Heather Phillips—The Amrit. R. Chatterjee Memorial Writing Award