East Fork:
A Journal of the Arts
Pounce on drive of desire,
Crowd the hope of fulfillment.
Mesh the two in order to soar,
Above the clouds of life.
Stationary equates to failure,
With the loss of a life lived.
Promise of more fills the soul,
Just as water fuels the body.
Teresa Alexander
Standing on the cusp change,
I must look within.
Honesty comes forward,
And gives me the right.
The right to speak my mind,
To go to the inner realm.
Keeping what is important,
In the forefront of me.
Can’t go back to what was,
Must carry on to what is next.
Abuse of the past must stay there,
Never to see the light of day again.
And that resolve is what keeps me going,
To the place I am destined for.