East Fork:
A Journal of the Arts
The World
After the Wild Geese
You don’t have to be brave or strong
To put up a good front
You don’t have to pretend to you are okay
to feel okay in the crowd, struggling.
You only have to sift through your feelings
in the way you want.
Tell me about secrets, yours, and I will tell you mine.
In the meantime life goes on.
In the meantime the moon still comes up,
shining a different shade each night,
over the homes and lives of many.
In the meantime everyone will go home
to their particular pods
where they feel most comfortable, most free.
No matter who you are, or how distant you may feel,
the world offers itself to you,
coming to you in arm's length, open and inviting
again and again giving you a home,
A comfort zone, in the people who care.
Sweet Dreams Are Made of You
Swaying alone almost center stage
in the sweaty gym
Sworn to my innocence as if it were binding
Striking up a conversation with him
would be swell.
Showily sweet talking him,
Sweeping me off my feet
it would be our own small fairytale
him the king and I the queen.
Swaying together amongst the swarm
Pure as a swan
his hand skimming the small of my back
the scent of my sweet perfume
filling his senses.
Careful not to swash my way
through the music.
Swaying until the last song plays
then him walking me home.
Giving me his sweater as a symbol
of his admiration for me
to swipe the goosebumps from my skin.
On my doorstep scooting in close
I open my eyes wishing to live it again
Willing to swap my reality
for a moment so fictitious,
a special night that isn’t realistic.
Jasmine Warner
Slamming doors, lack of care
no communication as if
we haven’t spoken in years
Loss of a friend who has
meant more than most
Reconnecting a while later
is not the same,
it’s been torn.
Walking on glass
gentle and slower than before.
The use of sorry means different to me now
Throwing it around as a form of protection.
You’ve made me stronger in a sense
although I’m still afraid of my feelings
Thank you.
I hold back Apologizing when I shouldn’t
Saying sorry when it isn’t my fault.
Wishing that it could
have been different won’t change anything
I’m scared and all I can do is wish, but
You and your actions changed me for good
And I’m sorry
about our fight.