More than Me

By: Courtney Kirkland


​East Fork:

A Journal of the Arts​​

I love all the things you love

all the things you belong to

Every fiber of being you hold to

I love your lies to tell

I love the lives you forgive and dwell

I love what you pursue and when



I love how your eyes shine they


Crinkle when you tell things of

Passion in your smile

I love your laugh when you cry

The eyes that wrinkle, when they die

I love how no one

Not one soul is tuned

To the very being that makes you-you

I love that no matter how soft quiet

Middle of the night heights it gets

Your heart says

I want you.

That when you get

Crushed but not lost your directions

Point to


But most importantly:

The atlas says 180 degrees

Crossing paths

Shaping maps


Across the globe

To and fro

I need you to see

That every day and hour

I breathe I make you and love you

More than me.